Daniel Glass: The record is called “BAM!” My nickname in Royal Crown Revue was Bam Bam. And it’s a sort of, bam! Here it is! We’re coming out swinging and just really going for it.
Cris Cohen: But also, there is a sense of fun to it. It’s attention-grabbing, but also says “we don’t take ourselves too seriously.”
Daniel Glass: My philosophy is that I consider myself to be an entertainer, in addition to being a (hopefully) well-accomplished musician. And the reason I chose that cover and went in that direction… I wanted to do something fun. Something playful. Something that reflects the joy in the music. We have a go-for-it attitude when we play. We're not afraid to really mix up the material. We're not trying to be anything but ourselves.
I wanted the group to have a very strong identity in what we do, which is really hard to describe. It’s very eclectic. It's based on what we love, and us trying to be in the moment and play music that we enjoy. And hopefully, you'll come along for the ride.