Cris Cohen: And then in terms of going through challenges, I also read from the notes… putting this together “currently 10 years sober from alcohol.” First, congratulations. That's a tricky thing to do. Secondly, how has sobriety influenced or affected you as a musician, as a songwriter?
John Brodeur of Bird Streets: Interesting question. <Laugh> I don't know if I have a good answer for that. Because, you know, some of the songs on this record, like “Burnout”… Sober from alcohol, but then became a huge pothead for many years. Kind of out of that phase now a little bit. But it was a long phase.
Cris Cohen: <Laugh>
John Brodeur: And that's a lot of what the non-divorcey songs on this record are dealing with. You find other things to obsess over and to create addictions to. If anything, I write about that. It's influenced my songwriting in that I've realized that that's a topic, like just the endless cycle.
And I don't know if it's specifically influenced my songwriting, musically or anything like that. That's just still a mystery to me, how that all works.