Last night Michele and I drove to Wilmington, NC to see clients Cowboy Mouth. The New Orleans rock band is led by singer, songwriter, drummer, and master of ceremonies Fred LeBlanc. The other founding / current member is singer, guitarist John Thomas Griffith. Before Cowboy Mouth, he was in the band Red Rockers and his song “China” was on MTV almost every hour in those early days.
Here is one of my favorite stories from Griff. It shows both his sweetness and his reverence for music history and tradition.
John Thomas Griffith of Cowboy Mouth: Back in the 80s the Red Rockers were on tour with (I think) the Go-Go's. We played what was then the Opryland USA theme park outside of Nashville. They had cut a big circle of the original floor of the old Ryman Auditorium stage and inlaid it into the stage of new Grand Ole Opry. And the mic was right there in the middle of the circle.
I remember calling my mom after the concert on a payphone backstage. I just said, "Mom…" I was kind of tearing up. Because I knew she would be super proud of that. I grew up on the Grand Ole Opry on the radio. I called her and told her, "Guess what I just did? I just played the Grand Ole Opry."
When you're standing in that circle… I don't want to be weird about it, but you do feel a magic. There is something poignant about being in that little circle and all the people that have stood there before you. That's a lot of weight. I'm so grateful that I got that opportunity to stand there in the circle.