Whenever companies pitch me about growing my business, their plans always involve me giving over the actual work to other people.
But here is the thing… I like doing the work.
I like talking with musicians. I like digging into their music, their songwriting, and their views on what makes for a good concert.
I like editing their materials. I like organizing and tracking everything with spreadsheets.
Some companies pitch me on letting their AI do all of that.
Let AI do the interesting stuff? Hell no. Call me when your AI can re-grout my bathroom tiles.
I also like that I know my clients and my clients know me.
The self-anointed experts say that is not how to build wealth. That is not how you build a successful business.
We’ll see.
For now, I will happily state that my business is less scalable, more personal.
If you discover an AI that re-grouts, you pass that info along to me, ok?
What those companies don't ever get is, this is a "relationship business". They view it as a means to an end; their profit. What's sad is they don't think we can tell that.