Cris Cohen: You had this great quote where you talked about recording this album. You said, “We were all pushing each other towards this direction of simplicity and anger.” What drove that? What inspired that?
Joel Ekelof of SOEN: When we talk about simplicity, it's in the context of being a progressive metal band. You come from progressive metal traditions where what you play is complex and it's technical. But within that framework, we still strive for simplicity or this kind of beauty in the music that you find when you sort of solve the equation… when the song really stands out in its magnificent simplicity. We always put a lot of work into the songwriting and the production, but we wanted to feel (relief). When you listen to it, it's supposed to be sort of a catharsis… something that you feel is just beautiful. It doesn't have to be gymnastics when you listen to it.
Cris Cohen: Right. It's kind of like with writers when they're writing stories, when they're writing novels. A lot of the great stuff comes in the editing, when they go back through and tighten it up. What can you take away and still leave the power of it all, but go more direct to the reader.
Joel Ekelof: Exactly. What is not necessary? What is the core here? What do we really want to say? Exactly.