I’ve loved Huey Lewis & The News ever since ‘Sports’ came out 41 (!) years ago.

I think the lesson to be learned here is ‘know your audience’.

Had you hit the band with a hammer of marketing speak, they would have kindly (or otherwise) shown you the door. Instead, you gained their trust by speaking their language.

Thank you for reassuring me that this rock and roll legend would rather talk tunes than TikTok.

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A good summary.

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Thank you for keeping Huey Lewis and the News music mainstream. Maybe now, today's youth will understand just how awesome their grandparents, parents, aunts and uncles were before they existed; and they music was cool to listen to. I hope the musical comes to Providence RI. :)

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Thank you. And I hope they eventually create touring companies for the musical as well.

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Just reconfirming you're like the coolest person I know.

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Very nice of you to say. But I would argue that you and a number of mutual friends are much cooler.

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